Land Management and Economic Development

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How to Advance Economic Reconciliation through Business Partnership Agreements

How to Advance Economic Reconciliation through Business Partnership Agreements

DGW Law helps Indigenous communities and their business partners negotiate agreements that advance economic reconciliation by fostering productive business relationships based on, among other things, mutual respect, clarity around financial terms and protection/use of Indigenous intellectual property and heritage, and innovative provisions relating to capacity building, cultural initiatives and dispute resolution.

Below are some tips for clients and practitioners on drafting partnership agreements to advance economic reconciliation and help prevent expensive disputes.

Land Code – What is it and Why Would Your First Nation Want to Create One?

Land Code – What is it and Why Would Your First Nation Want to Create One?

Land Code takes the place of parts of the Indian Act that relate to land management. Each First Nation can create its own Land Code based on its community’s needs, resources, goals, values, relationship to the land, beliefs and anything else that informs land use and land management. Our lawyers, John Gailus, Tim Watson and Christopher Devlin has experience drafting land code based on individual band’s needs. Visiting the community, listening to what the specific needs are, consultation, discussion and implementation are given the time and attention to detail that they need and warrant for each individual case. Our experience benefits clients and saves time and frustration from incomplete or inexperienced work.